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The evolution of markets and business is coming into convergence with social and environmental transformation. The current context does not invite the creation of evolutionary organizations that respond in a resilient way, that develop new skills, human, innovative and strategic capabilities. For this, with my DEEP DIVE diagnostic methodology I can understand. the mindset and the correlation between the different organizational layers and thus build high-impact actions in the short, medium and long term.

  • I will help you find the empowering and limiting behavior patterns you have developed.

  • We will detect your blind spots.

  • We will clarify your values and strengths so you can prioritize your goals and achieve what you want:

  • We will draw up strategies with very specific action plans that drive you to sustainable results. 

Jacky Levy Díaz Business Coach

Organizational session prices

Prices are configured based on the client's needs, their level and role within the company hierarchy and their scope. 


The individual sessions are completely personalized, so we recommend a first contact and thus assess a budget completely in line with the client's needs and objectives.

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